Interview with Emily Kyle
We are very excited to share this interview we did with Emily Kyle. Emily is a holistic cannabis practitioner and dietitian nutritionist. We asked her about her view on CBD and how it can help people with certain conditions. So, without further ado – here we go:
Hey Emily – thanks for the taking the time. For those who don’t know you yet – could you introduce yourself and share more about what you’re doing and what your focus is
Emily: My name is Emily Kyle and I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and a Certified Holistic Cannabis Practitioner. I own my own nutrition communications and consulting company and private practice. I use my education to serve those with autoimmune and inflammatory conditions with a holistic healthcare approach combining medical nutrition therapy and cannabis therapeutics.
Why did you choose being a dietitian nutritionist and especially why the holistic cannabis focus?
Emily: I chose to become a dietitian at a young age when my sister was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. From a young age I learned that what we eat has a significant impact on our health and I wanted to help those who needed it. I later on perused my holistic cannabis certification after seeing how this plant-based alternative could serve the clients that I work with.
Do you really need to pass an exam to practice Cannabis Medicine. Can you share a bit more about it?
Emily: I do not practice cannabis medicine as I am not a physician, I am a registered dietitian nutritionist. I went back to school to get a certification as a Holistic Cannabis Practitioner which I apply within my scope of practice. The program I completed was a 30-hour program that required an exam to pass.
What does your everyday job involve? What do you like and what don’t about it?
Emily: As an entrepreneur, my everyday job truly does vary from day to day. The bulk of my time is split between seeing private practice clients and blog work including photography and writing.
What do you think about CBD and Cannabis in general and part as nutrition?
Emily: I think we are just at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to looking at cannabis as a part of nutrition. Between terpenes and phytonutrients, cannabinoids and more we are just beginning to understand how cannabis and nutrition are intertwined.
Can you give us more details about the health benefits and risks? How CBD affects the body from a nutritional perspective?
Emily: From a nutritional perspective, a registered dietitian is the perfect healthcare provider to educate the public on the role cannabis as a whole can play in nutrition and overall wellness. Just like with medical nutrition therapy, cannabis therapeutics have health benefits and risks that are individual to each unique person. Working with a healthcare provider who will provide a personalized approach is the best way to ensure you are maximizing the health benefits and minimizing the health risks of using cannabis from a nutritional perspective.
We’ve noticed that you specialize in treatment of food sensitivities. Why do you think using CBD is beneficial and is it more effective than traditional methods?
Emily: I always tell my clients that cannabis is not a magic pill, but rather a healing tool that can be used as a part of a greater holistic centered lifestyle. Adding CBD to a poor diet will not correct the poor diet, just as adding healthy foods to the diet of an emotionally or mentally stressful individual will not correct the underlying cause. It is the balance of many forces that creates wellness.
CBD edibles results show that the effects last longer than with inhalation? How can this be explained? What is your point of view?
Emily: The effects of consuming CBD edibles may last longer than the effects of inhaling CBD because the CBD is processed two different ways by the body. Inhalation involves taking the compounds into the lungs which directly infuses into the blood stream, while edibles need to make their way through the digestive system before being processed by the liver and then distributed throughout the body.
Is cooking with CBD oil safe? Anything we should watch out for?
Emily: Yes, cooking with CBD oil can be safe if you are using a safe and reliable product. You want to ensure you are not heating the CBD product over 240 degrees F when cooking or you may destroy the cannabinoids.
When do you recommend CBD? For what reason/occasion?
Emily: I recommend CBD on an individual basis, depending on the needs of the client. Again, CBD is not a magic pill and should be used thoughtfully and responsibly.
How do you advise your community about CBD?
Emily: Through my blog EmilyKyleNutrition and social media channels like Instagram.
Do you use CBD ?
Emily: Yes, I use all cannabinoids.
- Since when? The past 10 years.
- For what reason? To manage anxiety and depression.
- How often? Daily.
- What sort and which one do you prefer? Oil, gummies, pills, vaping, edibles…? A combination.
Do you know of any CBD side effects? If yes, which ones?
Emily: CBD can have side effects including dizziness, drowsiness, or increased anxiety.
Have you already been in contact with other Nutritionists, Dieticians or other Experts about CBD? Can you name a few ppl you have worked and collaborated with?
Emily: Yes, Donna Shields is a registered dietitian and the founder of the Holistic Cannabis Academy.
Thanks again Emily for doing this interview with us!